Bequest Society

Bequest Society
Enquire now

Leave a lasting legacy

The Saints Bequest Society is focused on the advancement, development, and longevity of the club.

We invite you to consider extending your lifetime support for the club by becoming a member of the Saints Bequest Society, which will provide an lasting legacy for the club’s future.


Invitations to Society Social Gatherings

Club Acknowledgement - Website and Honour Board at RSEA Park

Bequest Society Pack - Certificate, apron, lapel pin, pen, bookmark

Saints Bequest Society logo

Thanks to our partnership with Gathered Here, you can put your mind at ease and know your personal wishes will be honoured by writing a free will.

Learn more and start writing your free will today.

We thank our current Saints Bequest Society Members for their generosity and support that will now last beyond a lifetime.

For more information please contact our team:

Jackie Emmerton
Head of Fundraising & Foundation